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Entries by sjahan
Tips & Tricks are Overrated: Stick with the Basics
February 2, 2021 in General /by sjahanEveryone is looking for a shortcut, and it makes sense that if there’s a way to get where you are going without as much effort, you should take it. When it comes to speech, voice, and presence, the best method is to find the best practices and do them consistently. There is no shortcut. Perhaps […]
Breathing for your Best Speaking Voice
January 26, 2021 in Video /by sjahanHow can I improve my vocabulary in English?
January 19, 2021 in Speech Coaching & Best Practices /by sjahanThere are two areas in acquiring English that language learners ask about that typically take the longest. The first acquiring fluency in the language, i.e., how to speak it without using a dictionary. That can take years and requires practice (unlike accent reduction, for example, which can take a few months if you already speak […]
All About the Breath
January 12, 2021 in Video /by sjahanIs Online English Coaching Effective or Desirable in Language Acquisition?
December 15, 2020 in Speech Coaching & Best Practices /by sjahanSince the ability to do video conferencing has been a viable option for people (at least for the last 10 years for most), language learners have toyed with the concept of whether it’s truly desirable or effective. Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, it was just an option, and often not the one of choice. If […]
Drop Your Jaw
December 8, 2020 in Video /by sjahanMore About Precursors
November 17, 2020 in Video /by sjahanI’ve Missed You!
November 3, 2020 in Video /by sjahanPost COVID-19 Communication Advice
October 20, 2020 in Speech Coaching & Best Practices /by sjahanPost COVID-19 Communication Advice
September 22, 2020 in Speech Coaching & Best Practices /by sjahanPost COVID-19 Communication Advice
August 25, 2020 in Speech Coaching & Best Practices /by sjahanPost COVID-19 Communication Advice
July 28, 2020 in Speech Coaching & Best Practices /by sjahanCommunicating in the 21st Century: How to Interrupt Someone
April 21, 2020 in General /by sjahanCommunicating in the 21st Century: Recovering Control of Your Own Timetable
February 18, 2020 in General /by sjahanBest Practices & Breaking Habits
January 27, 2020 in General /by sjahanWhen you are speaking, you probably don’t have time to worry about how you sound. For that reason, you have to practice on a regular basis so that when you speak, you come across clearly, fluidly and articulately. Here are a few key items to remember: Record yourself speaking at least once a week. How […]
Start the New Year Off Right!
January 2, 2020 in General /by sjahanAs you are welcoming in the new year, you may be looking for a way to jump start your success. If you haven’t tried coaching for Speech, Voice or Accent, now may be the time! If you have taken coaching in the past and haven’t yet gotten your ideal result, it may be time to […]
The “Ho Ho Ho” Exercise
December 12, 2019 in Speech Coaching & Best Practices /by sjahanOne of my favorite speech exercises to open up the back of the throat and allow you to speak with more control is the “ho ho ho” exercise. Yes, it’s just like Santa has come to town, only in this case: you are Santa! To do this exercise, you have to get in touch with […]
How Do I Continue To Improve When My Sessions Are Finished?
November 12, 2019 in Speech Coaching & Best Practices /by sjahanMany clients ask me how to continue once the systematic correction sessions with your Coach have finished. Especially around the holidays when you are busy with family, celebrations, and work, how do you juggle everything without losing what you have gained in speech coaching? Look for Patterns: In our coaching, we always focus on your […]
How Does Accent Interrelate with Presence?
October 14, 2019 in Executive Presence / Career /by sjahanIn my practice, I have combined two disciplines: accent work; that is, speech, clarity, pronunciation, word stress, intonation and pitch control, and in general, sounding American or not with Executive Presence: that is, voice quality, projection, confidence, “how you show up,” how fast you talk, how in control you are of yourself and your reactions, […]
Personality vs. Habit
September 30, 2019 in Executive Presence / Career /by sjahanWhen I meet with Executive Presence clients for the first time, they often tell me about the issues they are experiencing, and sometimes they mention that it’s just part of their “personality”. I find this interesting because it’s generally things they have difficulty changing that they attribute to “personality.” Things that are relatively easy to […]
Developing Awareness
September 16, 2019 in General /by sjahanMost people would agree that self-awareness is key to change, but for many of us, it is elusive. We know we aren’t getting the results we intend to get, or we may not know until others tell us their perceptions. Often a gap exists until we learn to self-assess. Examples in business include being told […]
One Big Drawback
September 2, 2019 in General /by sjahanThe more I do Presence & Speech Coaching, the more I realize that most people have one thing that is holding them back. It might be an underlying belief, or it might be a muscle pattern, or it might be a misconception. Of course, that one “drawback” could be comprised of many specific components, but […]
Presence is Natural Speech
August 19, 2019 in Executive Presence / Career /by sjahanWhenever I work with clients who doubt their executive presence, they often are trying too hard to project an image instead of embracing who they are. It sounds deceptively easy to “just be yourself,” but there are many reasons why it’s a challenge. It’s natural to feel pressured to perform, so you may appear tense […]
Stay Competitive in Your Communication
August 5, 2019 in Speech Coaching & Best Practices /by sjahanIt’s easy to get complacent when we speak and say things the same way over and over again, but if you want to impress your audience and stay at the top of your game, you have to be engaging, and stay engaging. If you want to stand out for a promotion or be valued as […]
Getting a Result in Speech Work: How to keep it REAL
June 25, 2019 in Speech Coaching & Best Practices /by sjahanJust because you take speech classes, doesn’t mean you will get a good result. There are a lot of variables. Most people think it’s about how much you practice, but I would argue it’s more about changing your underlying habits consistently. That might sound like the same thing, but it’s a different way of looking […]
How “Stress Breath” Limits Speech
June 4, 2019 in Speech Coaching & Best Practices /by sjahanAs part of helping my clients speak more clearly, I often work with them on posture, mouth movement and breath as precursors to our work together. That is, the work is primarily about pronunciation and articulation, not posture and breath, but you have to be breathing, open chested, and amenable to the new patterns, or […]
Standards for Clarity & Speech in a World of Non-Native Speakers
May 14, 2019 in Pronunciations /by sjahanI recently had a client in an internet session say to me: “I don’t work with any native speakers of English at all, so it doesn’t matter if I speak with a native accent. I just want to sound clear.” I frequently get this comment about sounding clear regardless of accent, so I know this […]
Coaching vs. Group Sessions: What is Blended Learning in the Speech & Presence Space?
April 23, 2019 in Speech Coaching & Best Practices /by sjahanAs long as I have done Accent & Voice Coaching, I have always preferred working with clients one-on-one. There are so many reasons: you can go deeper, more personalized, talk about confidential issues in a safe environment, and really tailor the sessions to meet the needs. The challenges with Coaching are time commitment and cost. […]
Speech Snafu #6: Overthinking vs. Letting the Breath Lead the Way
April 2, 2019 in Video /by sjahanSpeech Snafu #4: Rush to Judgement / Cause Effect Relationships
March 19, 2019 in Video /by sjahanSpeech Snafu #5: Working on the Wrong Things in the Wrong Order
March 16, 2019 in Video /by sjahanSpeech Snafu #3: Doing Vocal Warmups
March 12, 2019 in Video /by sjahanSpeech Snafu #2: Getting the Right Amount of Actionable Feedback
March 5, 2019 in Video /by sjahanSpeech Snafu #1: Taking the Advice to “Slow Down”
February 26, 2019 in Video /by sjahanClimbing the Corporate Speech Ladder
December 5, 2018 in Executive Presence / Career, Speech Coaching & Best Practices /by sjahanIn my business, I meet a lot of people who aren’t really sure where they belong in the speech and voice training process. There are a lot of options for improving speech, and it’s challenging to know what to do first, second and third. First, it’s important to realize it’s a process. There’s no “quick […]
Just Like a Dancer
September 18, 2018 /1 Comment/in American Accent Acquisition & Conversation /by sjahanEven if you are not a dancer, you can apply some tips from dancing to your speech: Be nimble and free … at ease, not stiff. Dancers who are stiff are not graceful. Speakers who are stiff are boring and seem tense. Make large movements. Dancers choreograph their moves and direction to reach out to […]
Facial Movement
August 21, 2018 /1 Comment/in American Accent Acquisition & Conversation /by sjahanAsians often skimp on facial movement. That is, the face doesn’t move much when you are speaking, so an audience of mixed cultures may not know if you are passionate, serious, happy, distressed, joking, overjoyed or angry. Learn to connect emotional expression with your words to improve your speech. It makes a big difference if […]
Your Body is a Musical Instrument
August 7, 2018 /1 Comment/in Speech Coaching & Best Practices /by sjahanMany of my clients are surprised to learn that posture and speech are inextricably linked. What could sitting up straight vs. slumping have to do with how we talk? One way to think of it is that your body is a musical instrument. The shape of the instrument changes the sound quality. If you want […]
When it Comes to Executive Speech Coaching… What Really Matters?
July 31, 2018 in Speech Coaching & Best Practices /by sjahanAs a Speech Coach, I’ve had the opportunity to talk to thousands of executives about what they perceive the challenges to be when speaking to their audiences, and what they expect from Executive Speech Coaching. Again and again, what comes up is how important it is to feel confident and comfortable while speaking, trusting that […]
Should Melania Trump Speak with an American Accent?
July 24, 2018 in American Accent Acquisition & Conversation /by sjahanAs a Speech & Accent Coach, I often question to what extent it’s important for someone to speak with an American Accent. For example, I wonder about Melania Trump. Those who support her are adamant that she is a multi-lingual immigrant who should be commended for her ability to speak various languages, but evidence that […]
Deceptively Similar Sounds
July 17, 2018 in American Accent Acquisition & Conversation /by sjahanSome sounds seem “deceptively similar.” For Koreans, the /z/ and /j/ sound seem similar; to Americans they are very different. Words like “region” and “reason” differ only by those sounds. Vietnamese speakers struggle with /s/ and /sh/ sounds. Practice with “superstitious” or “special” or “superficial” to make the two sounds close together and make sure […]
Break Through Breathing #8
July 13, 2018 in Video /by sjahanBreak Through Breathing #7
July 6, 2018 in Video /by sjahanExecutive Presence in Politically Charged Times
July 3, 2018 in Executive Presence / Career /by sjahanExecutive Presence Fake news … trade war … children in cages … severing ties with our allies … the US president meeting with oppressive dictators … these are challenging times. So you may ask yourself, how does this relate to Executive Presence? When times are easy, no one really notices how you behave. As long […]
How Much Change is Possible?
July 3, 2018 in Speech Coaching & Best Practices /by sjahanWhen it comes to changing your voice, many people don’t really believe it’s possible. After all, children learn languages much more easily than adults. However, in my experience as a Coach for voice and speech, the person’s motivation and attitude determine their success more accurately than age or ability. I’ve had clients who were very […]
Break Through Breathing #6
June 29, 2018 in Video /by sjahanBreak Through Breathing #5
June 22, 2018 in Video /by sjahanTiming is Everything
June 19, 2018 /1 Comment/in American Accent Acquisition & Conversation /by sjahanThis is so true of speech. You have to know when you speak quickly, when to hold words longer, when you make sounds longer and when to make them shorter. You can plan when to pause strategically and consciously choose how long to look at a listener before looking away. Play with your timing, get […]
Break Through Breathing #4
June 15, 2018 in Video /by sjahanBreak Through Breathing #3
June 8, 2018 in Video /by sjahanWhat Makes a Good Warm Up?
June 5, 2018 in Speech Coaching & Best Practices /by sjahanI often talk to clients about creating warm ups for their voices, and many times they have no idea how to do it or they think exercising alone is enough. It’s true; exercise is good for us, but relying on traditional forms of exercise, like running, swimming or tennis, isn’t really going to change our […]
Break Through Breathing #2
June 1, 2018 in Video /by sjahanUhhhhh … How to Avoid “Filler” Sounds
May 29, 2018 /2 Comments/in Speech Coaching & Best Practices /by sjahanMany of us want to eliminate the little sounds that we utter unintentionally when we talk. The “you know” language that just comes out sometimes. Can you train yourself not to do it? The answer is “yes”! In my experience, the best way to do that is the following: – Work on your breath first. […]
Break Through Breathing #1
May 25, 2018 in Video /by sjahanChallenge Sounds
May 22, 2018 /1 Comment/in American Accent Acquisition & Conversation /by sjahanThe biggest mistake many Asian speakers make (Chinese, Filipino, Korean, Japanese, Thai or Vietnamese, for example) is often focusing too much (over doing it) on the /r/ and the /l/ sound. Of course, it’s a good thing to work on those sounds, especially if you say them incorrectly. However, if you get a “general grasp” […]
American Accent Video: Getting Started
May 18, 2018 in Video /by sjahanHow to Improve a Weak Voice
May 15, 2018 in Video /by sjahanAccent Improvement: Natural Speech with a Spanish First Language Speaker
May 11, 2018 in General /by sjahanRelationship Between Breathing & Speaking
May 8, 2018 in Video /by sjahanAccent Reduction Techniques: The Fish
May 4, 2018 in Video /by sjahanPosture & Voice
May 1, 2018 in Video /by sjahanAmerican Accent – Articulation Exercises
April 27, 2018 in Video /by sjahanFacial Movement Improvement
April 24, 2018 in Video /by sjahanBreath on Air Flow Sounds
April 17, 2018 /1 Comment/in American Accent Acquisition & Conversation /by sjahanMost Asians don’t use enough breath on “air flow” sounds in English. Which sounds are these? They are the sounds that sound “breathy” a bit when native speakers talk. Have you ever noticed which sound lasts longer? The voiceless ones like: Ffffeeling ffffanssssy (feeling fancy) Fffffirsssst thththththingssssss ffffirsssst (first things first) Fffffocusssss on the pozzzzzitivvvve […]
American Accent & Speech Improvement: Quiet Space
April 9, 2018 in Video /by sjahanAmerican Accent & Voice: Aaron Parnell’s Personal Voice Journey & Advice
April 2, 2018 in Video /by sjahanAccent Improvement – Throat Stretches for Speech
March 26, 2018 in Video /by sjahanExaggeration is the New Normal
March 20, 2018 /1 Comment/in American Accent Acquisition & Conversation /by sjahanWhen I ask clients to “exaggerate” or “elongate” sounds, they often tell me it sounds exaggerated, and they don’t want to do it. Recording will help because often it’s not as exaggerated as you think. But in addition to that, what feels exaggerated is really just “strong” so you might ask yourself what makes you […]
American Accent Video: Executive Presence Defined
March 12, 2018 in Video /by sjahanAmerican Accent: Commonalities in Speech
March 12, 2018 in Video /by sjahanSounding Out Words
February 26, 2018 /1 Comment/in American Accent Acquisition & Conversation /by sjahanMost Asian speakers pronounce words as “units”. This means you say words one-at-a-time with all the sounds at once. So if you are mispronouncing a word, you probably won’t notice. If instead you sound out the word and pay attention to each sound (consonants, vowels, and syllables) and say the word deliberately making all the […]
Parallel Axis Theorem
February 19, 2018 in Pronunciations /by sjahanEmerging Markets
February 12, 2018 in Pronunciations /by sjahanAccent, Voice & Speech Coaching in the Silicon Valley
February 7, 2018 in Video /by sjahanThe Dangers of “Listener Fatigue”
February 7, 2018 /1 Comment/in American Accent Acquisition & Conversation /by sjahanIf you speak in a way that makes it difficult for people to understand you, lacks polish, or just isn’t very engaging, you may think it’s ok. No big deal, right? I’ve heard people say, “a lot of my friends speak worse than I do … what difference does it make?” A few considerations before […]
Latent Dirichlet Allocation Distortions
February 5, 2018 in Pronunciations /by sjahanStatistics Software for Predictive Analytics
January 29, 2018 in Pronunciations /by sjahanCommon Cognitive Distortions
January 29, 2018 in Pronunciations /by sjahanCollaborative Filtering Algorithm
January 22, 2018 in Pronunciations /by sjahanMultiple Regression Analysis
January 15, 2018 in Pronunciations /by sjahanDevelopmental Milestones
January 8, 2018 in Pronunciations /by sjahanWho Can Help
January 3, 2018 /1 Comment/in Speech Coaching & Best Practices /by sjahanI’m always surprised when I ask clients who gives them feedback and they say “no one.” It must feel terrible to be so isolated, but then again, maybe it’s a matter of not noticing things beyond your awareness. I also notice very few of my clients speak conversational English outside of work. That makes sense […]
Differential Diagnosis
January 1, 2018 in Pronunciations /by sjahanIn For A Shock Transitioning From High Tech Guru To Marketing Or Sales
December 27, 2017 /1 Comment/in Executive Presence / Career /by sjahanI find it interesting that so many technology clients tell me they have no issue with their spoken English in many tech jobs. Apparently they can get by sitting at their desk or working remotely and having meetings on the net as long as they produce code or fix technical issues. The big uptick in […]
Spontaneous Combustion
December 26, 2017 in Pronunciations /by sjahanQuestions You Can Ask
December 20, 2017 /2 Comments/in American Accent Acquisition & Conversation /by sjahanSo what kinds of questions can you ask strangers at a public gathering when networking? I would suggest that the biggest goal is not to offend anyone. So, steering away from any comments about clothing or weight or jobs is probably a good idea. Why? Because you could insult someone by talking about those things […]
Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis
December 18, 2017 in Pronunciations /by sjahanWhat is Happening Behind the Curtain When Someone Talks at Breakneck Speed
December 13, 2017 in Speech Coaching & Best Practices /by sjahanIn my last couple of postings, I mentioned how talking fast (in the perception of the listener) may not be so readily solved by simply slowing down. That is, telling someone to “slow down” may not be great advice. Why not? Thinking s-l-o-w-l-y and cognitively “trying to slow down” may not result in the effect […]
Affiliate Marketing Strategy
December 11, 2017 in Pronunciations /by sjahanThe Complexity of Indian Accents in American English
December 6, 2017 in American Accent Acquisition & Conversation /by sjahanNot everyone from India has the same accent, so what’s important to think about when identifying what to focus on to create clear speech? Here are some things to consider: 1. Some people from India are English-medium schooled. Some are not. What’s the difference? Some people in India speak their first languages in school to […]
Mitigating Circumstances
December 4, 2017 in Pronunciations /by sjahanMonitoring Your Body Tension
November 29, 2017 /1 Comment/in American Accent Acquisition & Conversation /by sjahanJust like changing our timing to control our speed (or rate of speech), we also need to work on our degree of body tension when we want to sound more fluid and less tense. One of the reasons non-native speakers speak with excess tension is they try very hard to say words (and make sounds) […]
November 27, 2017 in Pronunciations /by sjahan3 Important Mindset Shifts: Resistance to Change in Speech & Accent
November 22, 2017 /1 Comment/in American Accent Acquisition & Conversation /by sjahanMost of us have some resistance to changing ourselves, even if we genuinely desire better results. If you can identify your limiting mindsets, you can change them and accelerate achieving your goals. In working with Speech & Accent, I find these are the mindsets that if “reframed” help clients succeed: Mindset #1: I have to […]
November 20, 2017 in Pronunciations /by sjahanEase & Grace: Applying Insights from Movement to Speech
November 15, 2017 in Executive Presence / Career /by sjahanRecently I have noticed a much-needed return to the movement and body awareness methods of past generations: Feldenkrais, Alexander & other body awareness modalities, popular in the 60’s and before. In addition, there are the more recent phenomena of pilates popularity, and experts like Eric Franklin to focus on the gracefulness of movement over the […]
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